Tuesday, December 12, 2023

When things fall apart...

Ironically, the modern era we live in indicates, beyond a shadow of doubt, that we are still living in the Stone Age where uncontrolled barbarism prevails, albeit now in a concrete jungle rather than a vegetative environment surrounded and cornered by predators of other species: our enemies now are humans from our own Homo Sapien species.

The worst thing is that people who are in positions of power and influence let these human conflicts continue pursuant to their own selfish interests and greed of various kinds. So, perhaps, the only instrument of rebellion now available for us may be simply dissent.

In my personal case, because of my Bipolar Disorder condition, I tend to block and shut out toxic people, places, and events. I take refuge inside the recesses of my own mind. As a friend said, I may be living in my mind. And this means immersing myself in my personal little world within the confines of my brain.

Just thought I will address this issue now because some of my friends feel I am becoming detached from everything and they say they don't understand why. Now you know, even if I don't spell things out explicitly, when you consider this mental status of mine in relation to current affairs.

I have now become like Meursault, the protagonist in French philosopher Albert Camus' novel "The Stranger", and Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, the protagonist in Russian philosopher Fyodor Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment".

I have read the former book twice when a high school classmate presented a paperback to me as a gift; the latter's ebook I have read once. Both books electrified me to the core.

What I realized after reading these two books is that, this trend of me detaching myself from my surroundings, the people in it, and the events, have been happening for a long time now: there was an art exhibition in Maldives this year where I was invited to its private opening; I didn't attend because I knew there would be "crowds" and would feel a suffocating sense of claustrophobia.

Refer to these two photographs I shot yesterday. I wanted to post this on my Instagram account because I had been eating this cake for a long time and it only occurred to me just yesterday to find out more detail, including what it's called.

So I asked the relative who usually brings it for our family's tasting and she said it's McCain's Marble Cake. I searched the Internet and found that McCain is a company from Canada.

Coincidentally, I had eaten this slice pictured here yesterday afternoon, and after that, while on my way to a relative's home, I came across this store which had McCain's logo on it and my relative confirmed that Lily food and beverage is the local authorized dealer in McCain products.

This suddenly made me realize that my detachment from human society is worse than I previously perceived - even considering the daily affairs of my life.

Hence, what am I doing now to while away "the hours", as explored by American novelist and screenwriter Michael Cunningham's award winning feminist novel, on which the award winning movie by British director Stephen Daldry was based on British author and feminist Virginia Woolf's life, which deals with the themes such as time, identity, the role of literature in people's lives, and the impact of choices on individuals?

It's true that I have become detached from human society to the extent that I hardly socialize now. I meet people rarely now, my refuge being my social media platforms: on my blog I write mostly blogposts rather than journalistic articles because blogposts give me more creative freedom to express my private opinions rather than indulging in journalism which would demand some kind of striving towards an objective truth which I find evasive at a time when almost everything is subjective. 

I recently decided to identify on my social media that I am both a journalist and blogger from Maldives because, while continuing this blog, I also now work for "Adhives Online" magazine; and though I used to, I hardly contribute to any international media or "foreign" blogs now.

Therefore, I did a little research on what, according to "foreign" sources, it means to be a journalist and blogger. In fact, I explored what the difference is between a professional newspaper and a personal blog, and here is what I found:

1) Authorship and Ownership:
- Professional Newspaper: Typically written and edited by a team of professional journalists. The content is owned by the newspaper organization.
- Personal Blog: Authored by individuals or a small group of people. The content is usually owned by the blogger.

2) Credibility and Accountability:
-Professional Newspaper: Held to higher journalistic standards. Journalists adhere to a code of ethics, fact-checking procedures, and editorial guidelines. The newspaper is accountable for the accuracy and integrity of its content.
- Personal Blog: Varies widely in terms of credibility. Bloggers may not be held to the same journalistic standards, and the content may reflect personal opinions and perspectives without rigorous fact-checking.

3) Scope and Audience:
- Professional Newspaper: Covers a wide range of topics and often has a broad audience. Content is often objective and aims to provide a comprehensive view of events.
- Personal Blog: Typically focuses on the blogger's interests, experiences, or niche topics. The audience is usually smaller and more niche.

4) Frequency and Timeliness:
- Professional Newspaper: Publishes regularly, often daily or weekly, with a focus on timely news and events.
- Personal Blog: Posting frequency varies. Some blogs may be updated regularly, while others may be more sporadic. The emphasis may be on personal reflections, experiences, or in-depth analysis rather than breaking news.

5) Monetization:
- Professional Newspaper: Generates revenue through subscriptions, advertising, and sometimes government funding. Often has a business model to sustain its operations.
- Personal Blog: May generate revenue through ads, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing. Monetization is often on a smaller scale and may not be the primary goal.

6) Editing and Fact-Checking:
- Professional Newspaper: Content goes through editorial processes, including editing and fact-checking by professionals to ensure accuracy.
- Personal Blog: Editing and fact-checking may be less rigorous, and content is often the direct expression of the blogger's thoughts.

7) Regulation:
- Professional Newspaper: Subject to media regulations and laws governing journalism. Journalists may adhere to ethical standards and guidelines.
- Personal Blog: Subject to fewer regulations, but bloggers are still bound by laws related to defamation, copyright, and other legal considerations.

It's important to note that these distinctions are generalizations, and there can be variations within each category. The rise of online journalism and independent journalism has blurred some of these lines, and there are professional bloggers who adhere to high journalistic standards. I try my best to be one of them though I am not sure how successful I am in that endeavor.

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