Sunday, December 10, 2023

Maldives launches massive drive to address migrant crisis

For every three Maldivians, there is now one expatriate, according to the latest census.

The Muizzu Administration's operations will focus on verifying the identity and visas of foreigners, aiming to bring those who violate immigration laws into compliance with the rules, Maldives' The Edition news website reported on Friday.

Recruiting agencies, ministries, embassies, Maldivian citizens, and all relevant stakeholders are to be involved in this drive.

"According to last year's census, there were 97,164 foreigners in the Maldives, with 32,470 residing in the Malé City," The Edition reported.

"During the previous government, efforts were underway to re-document and register them. A number of migrant workers were repatriated to their countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, a satisfactory solution to the problem was not achieved," the English language sister website to Maldives' Mihaaru newspaper went on to say.

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