Tuesday, November 28, 2023

LIFE IN PICTURES: Euphorbia plant at IGMH

My family has this at our terrace garden in Male', the capital island of Maldives.

This is a snapshot of Euphorbia planted at an open air spot behind the Centre for Mental Health in Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in Male'.

IGMH, a gift from India to Maldives, was opened in 1995 after the foundation was laid in 1990 facing the west coast of Male'.

This photograph was taken on a rainy day last week; so the drops of water on the flowers and the leaves.

"Euphorbia is a very large and diverse genus of flowering plants, commonly called spurge, in the family Euphorbiaceae. 'Euphorbia' is sometimes used in ordinary English to collectively refer to all members of Euphorbiaceae (in deference to the type genus), not just to members of the genus." READ MORE FROM WIKIPEDIA

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