Friday, July 28, 2023

LETTER TO HILATH: What kind of "freedom" are we talking about?

Dear friend,

You were vague yesterday when you questioned whether we are really free and implied that freedom is one of the worst delusions those in power have brainwashed us with.

Maldivians or otherwise, humans are not free at all. We cannot survive outside a society.To an extent, you are right that politicians are responsible for implanting dangerous "chips" in the minds of ordinary citizens to prolong the illusion that they have some kind of power on the basis of choosing one stupid idiot into power over another equally stupid idiot. "Government of the people, by the people, for the people"? Kiss my fat bottom. Just look at all the ignorant and arrogant fools we have elected to the Parliament by selling our votes for just MVR 500 per vote because Maldives' citizens continue to remain in dire poverty while every President will make every promise he doesn't intend to keep whether those are about to bring about change but suddenly claim that five years are just not enough to establish a decent and necessity water and sewerage system in a tiny local island.

Let's not ignore the fact this "lesser evil" governance system called "democracy" has entrapped all Maldivians in parameters set by the "majority mob" we call influencers and those who are in power whose only interest is distributing Maldives' resources among the ruling elite. Isn't the 9 September presidential election everything to do with who wins and gets the lion's share of Maldives' resources whether they are islands, sandbanks, or lagoons which can be sold or leased to the businesses who will help to keep that respective government in power at any cost? Have we already forgotten the parable of the clever monkey which usurps the bread from two warring cats?

As for whether Allah (God) gave us Free Will, since I am not an Islamic scholar, you should ask the Sheikhs to explain you that. My only advice is that you don't read the book "Free Will" by the atheist Sam Harris because his philosophy will directly conflict the principles of Islam.

When you take a scientific look at the issue, are we truly free? Have we ever been able to overcome our biological needs? Have we ever been able to give up eating and drinking and sleeping? And let's not mention all those "embarrassing" things we are forced to do in the toilet and the "disgusting" things we do in the bedroom 😳

Sincerely yours,

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