Sunday, June 11, 2023

Should we be wary of police using taser guns in Maldives?

The TASER 7 is Axon's first truly connected energy device, with wireless device management, self-reporting and general visibility into the health of the individual device and entire fleet, according to a report provided by Axon to PRNewswire.

And we have our Maldivian Commissioner of Police (CP) Mohamed “MC” Hameed quoted as claiming that the purpose of taser guns being used by Maldives Police Service (MPS) is because; “We are determined to make the Maldives a safe haven for all.”

"TASER 7 is being rolled out after several months of pilot testing and a thorough review of policy and user guidelines. Officers have been trained, and the highest levels of safeguards are in place to ensure the rollout is a success," Hameed is quoted as saying.

In addition to this, Axon claims that last year, Maldives’ police “became the first agency to deploy Axon Body 3 cameras with Axon's situational awareness software, Axon Respond. The agency also utilizes Axon Citizen, a public evidence submission portal that allows agencies to collect evidence from the public during both large-scale and smaller, day-to-day events.”

Axon describes itself as: "The technology leader in global public safety. Our moonshot goal is to cut gun-related deaths between police and the public by 50% before 2033. Axon is building the public safety operating system of the future by integrating a suite of hardware devices and cloud software solutions that lead modern policing. Axon's suite includes TASER energy devices, body-worn cameras, in-car cameras, cloud-hosted digital evidence management solutions, productivity software and real-time operations capabilities. Axon's growing global customer base includes first responders across international, federal, state and local law enforcement, fire, corrections and emergency medical services, as well as the justice sector, commercial enterprises and consumers."

So I asked ChatGPT to give me the “advantages” of taser guns and below is its reply:

Taser guns, also known as conducted electrical weapons (CEWs), are devices that use electrical current to temporarily incapacitate a person. They are often used by law enforcement agencies as a less-lethal alternative to firearms.

Here are some advantages of taser guns:

1. Non-lethal option: One of the primary advantages of taser guns is that they provide law enforcement officers with a non-lethal alternative to firearms. When used correctly, tasers can incapacitate individuals without causing significant injury or permanent harm, reducing the risk of fatal outcomes in certain situations.

2. Enhanced officer safety: Tasers are designed to increase the safety of law enforcement officers and reduce the need for physical confrontations. By providing a means to immobilize a person from a distance, tasers can help prevent injuries to both officers and suspects, as well as reduce the need for physical force or close-quarters combat.

3. Wide range and effectiveness: Tasers have a relatively long effective range, typically around 15 to 30 feet, depending on the model. This allows law enforcement officers to engage with potentially dangerous individuals from a safer distance, reducing the likelihood of physical altercations or the need to resort to firearms.

4. Rapid incapacitation: When a taser is deployed successfully, it can rapidly incapacitate an individual by disrupting the nervous system and causing temporary muscle contractions. This can provide law enforcement officers with an opportunity to restrain the person and de-escalate the situation, minimizing the risk of further harm to themselves, the individual, or others nearby.

5. Versatility and training:
Tasers are designed to be relatively easy to use and require less training compared to firearms. They are equipped with safety features, targeting systems, and often have built-in data recording capabilities to document their use. This allows law enforcement agencies to provide officers with a versatile tool that can be effective in a variety of scenarios.

Despite these advantages, it's worth noting that the use of tasers is not without controversy. Concerns have been raised about potential misuse, the risk of injury, and instances where tasers have been implicated in deaths. Proper training, clear guidelines, and oversight are crucial to ensure the responsible and safe use of tasers by law enforcement.

I then asked ChatGPT what are the “disadvantages” of taser guns and below is its response:

While taser guns have their advantages, they also have several disadvantages and considerations that should be taken into account.

Here are some of the disadvantages associated with taser guns:

1. Potential for misuse: Like any weapon or tool, there is a risk of misuse or abuse of tasers. Improper or excessive use by law enforcement officers can lead to unnecessary harm or injury to individuals. Clear policies, strict training protocols, and oversight are necessary to minimize the potential for misuse.

2. Risk of injury or death: Although tasers are designed to be less-lethal alternatives, there have been cases where their use has resulted in injuries or even deaths. Certain factors, such as pre-existing medical conditions, drug use, or repeated or prolonged applications of electrical current, can increase the risk of adverse effects. It is essential for law enforcement officers to be aware of these risks and exercise caution when deploying tasers.

3. Limited effectiveness: Tasers may not always be effective in subduing a person, particularly if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol or wearing thick clothing. In some cases, individuals may be able to resist the effects of the electrical current or recover quickly, requiring additional force or alternative methods to control the situation.

4. Psychological impact: The use of tasers can have psychological effects on both the individuals being targeted and the officers using them. While the physical effects are temporary, the experience of being subjected to a taser can be traumatic and potentially escalate the level of resistance or aggression in some situations.

5. Dependence on power and maintenance: Tasers rely on electrical power to function. If the battery is not adequately charged or the device malfunctions, it may not work as intended, potentially compromising the safety of both officers and subjects. Regular maintenance, including battery checks and device inspections, is crucial to ensure proper functionality.

6. Legal and ethical considerations:
The use of tasers raises legal and ethical questions. Policies and guidelines must be in place to determine when and how tasers can be deployed. The appropriate use of force continuum, adherence to human rights standards, and respect for individual rights are critical factors in mitigating potential abuses or violations.

It's important to note that the advantages and disadvantages of tasers should be carefully weighed, and their use should be subject to robust regulation, training, and oversight to ensure they are used responsibly and with the utmost consideration for safety and human rights.

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