Thursday, February 09, 2023

Maldivian chef prepares sushi for Ronaldo's birthday

EXCLUSIVE: Saudi gai Ronaldo ge ufan dhuvahah sushi thayyaaru kohdhin Dhivehi chef ge vaahaka


  1. Anonymous6:15 PM

    May the Maldivian who served sushi to the footballer of khadim Al haramein Al shareefein be blessed. 1.5 billion Muslims throughout the world, most of them living in poverty, are all hoping to travel to Mecca before they die. Part of their Hajj visa fees & their spending in the holy land will Inshallah go towards paying Islamo Ronaldo’s $600million contract. Alhamdulillah 🙏🏽

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      That's such a pessimistic viewpoint. Why are you people so negative about Ronaldo? Allah may guide him to the Right Path yet if He wills it. That will be a most happy thing for all Muslims of the world who already appreciate Ronaldo's charitable works he currently does for Muslims. Then you will regret labelling him as "Islamo Ronaldo". Who will then have the Last Laugh?

      And look on the bright side: attracting Ronaldo was a shrewd decision by the Saudis because it is bringing so much publicity to the country and the increased revenue generated by tourism will enable Saudi authorities to spend on the upgrading of Hajj facilities. Who knows, Saudi government might altogether waive the visa fee for pilgrims! It's a positive position for everyone concerned.
