Thursday, February 09, 2023

Ganja, gangs, and Maldivian students

School kudhin, ekamaku heevee gang eh araigaiyhen


  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Most Maldivians commenting to nees articles are of the opinion that we brought up a generation like this because we are not teaching enough Islaamee Tharubiyyathu at our schools. But I wonder what kind of tharubiyyathu is taught at Japanese or Singaporean schools.

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Well, what do you expect when politicians who are supposed to lead us and set examples to the rest of our society are all delusional? I feel pity for so-called "leaders" such as Umar Naseer, Qasim Ibrahim, Sun Siyam, and Retired Colonel Nazim who seriously believe they will get elected as Maldives' next President and are spending so much on their campaigns when diverting those millions of Rufiya can help poor citizens overcome their poverty. So misguided are Maldivian politicians.

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      You forgot to mention Lolly Jabir. He is trying to give the other presidential candidates a run for their money.

    3. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Do we necessarily need to join a political party in order to serve Maldives?

      The proprietor of travel agent Inner Maldives, Mohamed Firaq, deems so, citing his decision to join tycoon Qasim Ibrahim's Jumhooree Party, which is looking more like an agglomeration of the cream of Maldives business people:-

    4. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Three conditions that would allow a Muslim to practice polygamy according to Sheikh Ali Zaid ( :-

      1) Physically fit, with stamina
      2) Able to bear mid-range expenditures
      3) Can be just

      The sheikh is also preparing to release on the 18th of this month an album titled "Kaiveni" ("Marriage") of hymns which he claims is the first such album which contains hymns alongside the Maldivian tambourine (“thaara”) music.

      The 16 original hymns sung by various Maldivian artists are to be released on compact disc (CD) and can bring joy to marriage ceremonies, according to Zaid.

      Meanwhile, two weeks ago, the Islamic NGO Jamiyyathul Salaf's Ali Rameez, who earlier enjoyed rock star status before giving up music in favour of Islam, “advised” Zaid ( to refrain from causing "resentment and anger" among Muslims - following Zaid's tweets in support of President Solih's government.
