Friday, June 21, 2024

Is sunlight and water enough nutrition for a plant?


Sunlight and water are crucial for plants, but they aren't quite enough for complete nutrition.  Plants use sunlight and water in a process called photosynthesis to create their own food (sugars), but they also need other nutrients for healthy growth.  These nutrients are typically absorbed from the soil through their roots.

Common nutrients plants need include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.  These, along with other minerals, help plants with functions like building cell walls, creating proteins, and fighting off disease.   While they can get some of these elements from water and air,  supplements from the soil are necessary for optimal health.

So, while sunlight and water are essential for a plant's survival,  a little extra TLC (tender loving care) in the form of nutrient-rich soil will help your plant thrive.

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