Saturday, July 29, 2023

Attributes & capacities

A Maldivian friend recently reacted negatively to my claim that we are lucky to have a Finland school in our midst. He didn't seem to believe my claim that children who undergo the Scandinavian system of formal education will excel more, in contrast to those who undergo the exam oriented curriculum of education from the UK.

He was of the opinion that the international schools established in Maldives, like the Finland school, is only financially driven institutions out to make just money. 

His argument was that all human beings have "attributes" we are born with such as skin color, etc., and that therefore, no schools can influence the "capacities" of students to learn.

I responded to him ironically that based on his argument, formal education - or any other kind of education for that matter - is not needed at all since attributes and capacities are there in humans as he claimed.

I couldn't help but become sarcastic and claim that children will demonstrate all the talents that belong to their character when they are old enough even if they have no education or training.

"In the end, the concept of formal education may have been introduced by adults for a very good reason: dump their children at preschools and day care centers so the parents will be free to pursue careers to feed all their family members," I quipped.

There was no further response from my friend.

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