Saturday, June 10, 2023

Sorry I completely forgot World Environment Day!

I was surprised that I did because it was this year that I had an epiphany that Maldives’ environment is my passion and had even wrote a blogpost about it announcing it in public.  

My delay in learning how to use Google Calendar made me forget World Environment Day which was last Monday, 5 June 2023.

The friend who had helped me learn Google Translate, Google Lens, and ChatGPT, etc., had generously compiled for me days that are marked locally and internationally. But my mistake was I had saved the list as a Microsoft Word document which I check from time to time in order to prepare blogposts for each day that is marked but somehow I missed World Environment Day.

So due to my missing of World Environment Day coverage, she is now about to teach me how to use Google Calendar so that I don’t miss a day that is marked.

Because I am at the moment quite busy with some translation projects, I couldn’t find the time to go through last week’s local news to find out how Maldives marked the environment day which is a very important day for an environmentally vulnerable country like Maldives. But I managed to generate information from ChatGPT why a World Environment Day is marked.

Here’s the information the chatbot gathered for me:

World Environment Day is marked on June 5th every year to raise awareness and promote action on pressing environmental issues. It serves as a platform for individuals, communities, organizations, and governments worldwide to come together and take positive steps towards protecting the environment and addressing global environmental challenges.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) initiated World Environment Day in 1972, aiming to encourage people to take responsibility for the preservation and enhancement of the environment.

The day serves multiple purposes:

1. Awareness: World Environment Day raises awareness about environmental issues and concerns. Each year, a specific theme is chosen by the UNEP, focusing on a particular environmental challenge. This theme serves as a focal point for activities, discussions, and campaigns to educate the public about the issue at hand.

2. Advocacy: The day serves as a platform for advocating policy changes and sustainable practices. It encourages individuals, organizations, and governments to take action and make commitments towards addressing environmental problems. It promotes the adoption of sustainable lifestyles, conservation efforts, and the protection of natural resources.

3. Global Cooperation: World Environment Day fosters global cooperation and collaboration. It brings together diverse stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, businesses, communities, and individuals, to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and work collectively towards sustainable development. It encourages international cooperation to tackle environmental challenges that transcend national boundaries.

4. Engagement: The day encourages active participation and engagement of individuals in environmental activities. It inspires people to make a positive impact through small lifestyle changes, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, planting trees, or advocating for environmentally friendly practices in their communities.

5. Policy Influence: World Environment Day can influence policy-making and shape environmental agendas. It provides an opportunity for governments and policymakers to showcase their environmental initiatives, announce new policies, and strengthen commitments to sustainable development. It also raises public awareness, which can exert pressure on decision-makers to prioritize environmental concerns.

World Environment Day serves as a reminder that every individual has a role to play in protecting and preserving the environment. It emphasizes the need for collective action and sustainable practices to ensure a healthier and more sustainable planet for present and future generations.

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