Sunday, June 18, 2023

Ooredoo Maldives Mas Race returns with a vengeance!

On 7 March 2023, my Maldivian friend Ibraheem wrote an open letter to Ooredoo Maldives' CEO Mr. Khalid Hassan M.A Al-Hamadi, imploring him to move from a mindset of EXPLOITATION to CONSERVATION as far as fishing in Maldives is concerned.

Yet Ooredoo Maldives Mas Race, now in its 18th year and to be held in August, has returned with a vengeance, spreading to four cities across the archipelago, "promising" it "will be bigger and more exciting this year"!

What could we ordinary hapless Maldivians do to act against the actions of international juggernauts which, though may be well-meaning, go ahead and play key roles in short-term and short-sighted marketing and public relations ploys?

We might as well be talking to a wall.

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