Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Cosmic coincidence?

These last two days I came across certain friends not once but twice while on the streets, shops, or hospital, etc.

Cosmic coincidence, according to a Maldivian friend!

Of course the universe is one single system with everything inside it separate but interconnected systems although I don't believe in what New Age cults believe or subscribe to the views of the panpsychic philosophy which may be the reason why I don't find George Lucas' "Star Wars" or James Cameron's "Avatar" interesting anymore.

I tend to wonder: what if I came out of home just 5 minutes later or earlier? Or what if I went on another road? Would I still have met those friends of mine even once?

It's something to think about I guess, considering that Maldives' native population is 382,751 and outdoors we seem to see "new faces" every minute of every day. Yet, I do meet friends on the streets relatively often considering statistically the low probability of meeting them out of the blue which make me wonder how, when, and where everything falls into place resulting in me meeting them.

Still, what a coincidence I meet them. Random chance meetings, according to some friends. Amazing but also miraculous, in the views of some other friends.

"Serendipity"? One of my friends advised me to watch that movie again where John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale keep meeting accidentally in what appears as favorable occasions for them to fall in love. Should I believe in things like that anymore 😳? 

I don't look forward to such meetings for a personal reason: When I meet people frequently, there is an awkwardness because on the first meeting we would have used the opportunity to catch up but if we meet again the next day I wouldn't know what to say anymore because there will be nothing more to catch up and I am not much of a conversationalist as I don't have the talent to engage in idle talk or small talk ("vai vaahaka" in Maldives' native Dhivehi language) and can only proceed with talking if there are specific subjects to talk about. In fact, even at the height of my journalism career, I was not verbose, which is why I don't think I can write a Masters Degree or PhD dissertation or write a full length novel and may have to employ, like Prince Harry, a ghost writer if I decide to publish my biography.

So, however pleasant such "cosmically coincidental" meetings may be for some, it's not something I look forward to.

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