Sunday, May 21, 2023

Transparency concerns rise with Maldives' latest uninhabited island leasing regulation

ChatGPT summary: The Maldivian government's controversial decision to lease uninhabited islands for economic activities without a competitive bidding process has raised concerns about transparency and corruption. The President now has the authority to designate islands as industrial and publish a list of these islands and the parties leasing them. Critics argue that the lack of a transparent process allows for favoritism and misuse of power. Many elite Maldivian families have already exploited leased islands for personal gain, casting doubt on the true intentions of the new legislation. The leases will have a significant land rent and can last up to 21 years, with a possible extension of up to 50 years. This lack of accountability creates opportunities for unsolicited proposals that undermine transparency and fair play. To ensure the nation's interests are served, oversight mechanisms, transparency, fair competition, and good governance are needed. Establishing a proper bidding process and strict regulations on island use can contribute to a sustainable and inclusive economy, preventing corruption and ensuring the equitable use of national resources. FULL STORY from The Maldives Journal

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