Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Gambling openly promoted on a Hiyaa flat, raising concerns about its prevalence and impact

The issue of openly advertising gambling in a Hiyaa flat has recently come to light, causing concern among many individuals, local media outlet Dhiyares reported in a Maldives' native Dhivehi language report on 19 May 2023.

Advertisements featuring "Kirabet" stickers, promoting an online gambling site, have been prominently displayed on the flat. Such advertisements are neither religiously nor legally permissible.

This resurgence in open advertisements for prostitution and gambling on various social media platforms has become a growing problem, eliciting widespread concern. Telegram, in particular, has become a prevalent avenue for such activities. One Telegram group advertises individuals, including both foreign and Maldivian women living in the Maldives, who are offering themselves for prostitution, accompanied by their ages and prices.

Furthermore, individuals seeking extramarital affairs are actively searching for partners, promoting their location and age within the same group. These advertisements are facilitated by the group's administrator.

Additionally, the Telegram group is actively promoting gambling, regularly sharing links for participation. Gambling has become more pervasive in the Maldives than ever before.

The open display of gambling advertisements in a residential setting and the growing prevalence of online platforms facilitating prostitution and gambling highlight the urgent need for robust measures to address these issues and ensure the safety and well-being of the community.

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