Monday, May 22, 2023

Damaging and disingenuous: evaluating the ‘India Out’ campaign in Maldives

ChatGPT summary:

The "India Out" campaign in Maldives, led by former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom and his opposition coalition, accuses the current government of jeopardizing Maldives' autonomy through an "India-First" foreign policy. However, the campaign is damaging and disingenuous for several reasons. It threatens Maldives' relations with India, fuels xenophobia against Indian nationals, and appears designed to exploit nationalist sentiment for political gain in the upcoming presidential elections. Historical evidence shows that Maldives has recognized the benefits of strong ties with India, including security and humanitarian assistance. While India's involvement in the region is not purely altruistic, smaller neighbors like Maldives struggle to strike a balance between maintaining relations with India and preserving autonomy. The "India Out" movement is crude and provocative, as demonstrated by violent incidents and threats against the Indian High Commission. The opposition's objections to Indian military initiatives overlook the minimal strategic value of a naval base in Maldives and ignore the fact that these initiatives were initiated during Yameen's administration. Yameen's current campaign rhetoric contradicts his actions as president, where he endorsed defense deals with India and maintained an "India First" foreign policy. If Yameen or the opposition assume power, they are likely to shift their approach to mend India-Maldives relations, but India's response would be at their discretion. FULL STORY from The Diplomat

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