Wednesday, October 05, 2022

My inner demons

This is a link to a short story I wrote about 10 years ago describing my experience of suffering from Bipolar Disorder before I started psychiatric medication. 

I thought this might be interesting.
It was a sad era of my life indeed. Back then I did not understand what was happening to me. So I abused substances in order to control anxiety, panic attacks, depression, etc. 

Now I understand that some of my acquaintances abuse substances maybe because of mental diseases like this. 

Whenever I encounter such cases, I advice them to seek medical help instead of resorting to narcotics. 

I think Maldives society needs to be aware of things like this so that we can win the war on drugs and bring back our addicted youths back to the community.
Sharing my experience really helped, along with the psychiatric treatment.

It has been a few years since I started the medication. And already I feel much much better, calm and relaxed, and able to cope with psychological challenges that come my way.

In Sha Allah, perhaps in a few years I would not need any medication. I pray for the day when I will be back to normal. Aameen.

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