Thursday, May 25, 2023

To reimagine the realm: The purpose of “Dispatches from The Outlaw Ocean”

ChatGPT summary: "Dispatches from The Outlaw Ocean" is a documentary series that aims to raise awareness about the human rights, environmental, and labor issues prevalent in the ungoverned two-thirds of the planet covered by water. The oceans are depicted as a diverse realm with multiple roles: a workplace where over 50 million people work, a metaphor for abundance and freedom, an escape from landlocked life, a prison for workers on fishing ships, a grocery store providing vital sustenance, a trash can for waste disposal, a cemetery where bodies disappear without investigation, a bonanza for unregulated fishing and resource extraction, a tinderbox for geopolitical clashes, an organ producing oxygen and absorbing carbon, a highway for global commerce, a weapons depot with armed ships, a window into human behavior, an emergency zone with rampant criminality and exploitation, and an opportunity for international cooperation to manage and protect the oceans while addressing the climate crisis. By reimagining the oceans and acknowledging their multifaceted nature, it becomes possible to govern, protect, and understand them more effectively. FULL STORY from The Edition

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