Thursday, May 25, 2023

Alimatha Resort’s fine for dumping garbage into the sea reduced

(Translation by Google Translate / English language refined by ChatGPT)

Alimatha Resort Island, located in Vaavu Atoll, saw its fine for dumping garbage into the sea reduced from MVR 312,000 (USD 20,233) to MVR 45,000 (USD 2,918), according to a Maldivian native Dhivehi language report by local media outlet Mihaaru. The resort appealed to the Environment Ministry, leading to the reduction announced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last Thursday.

The Environment Minister has the authority to modify penalties under specific circumstances outlined in the Regulations on Penalties and Compensation for Environmental Damage. The ministry appealed the fine on the basis that Alimatha Resort lacked documentation to prove its illegal waste disposal in the sea for a period of two to three months.

The resort must pay the fine, including public holidays, within 30 days as instructed by the EPA. Furthermore, it is required to submit a waste management plan to the EPA within the given timeframe.

In April of the previous year, the Atoll Council filed a complaint with the relevant authorities to address the problem of resorts dumping garbage into the sea within the atoll.

Previously, the Tourism Ministry allowed resorts to dispose of perishable and biodegradable items in the sea. However, the ministry has now amended the rules, prohibiting such garbage dumping and considering it a violation of the Waste Management Regulations.

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