Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Quotable quotes

"Let's find mercy where we can, but for God's sake, let's end this war.

"But don't be fooled. During the darkest hours out there as you await an attack, you may start to harbour doubts.

"Is it worth dying for? It is when you are hungry.

"Going home someday...going back to our old lives...and all they'll want to know is if we fought in close combat. We'll walk around like travellers in a landscape from the past.

"I can't discard two years of hand grenades like a pair of socks. We'll never get rid of the stench.

"Bloody kids. They took their masks off too soon. Soon, Germany will be empty.

"My order is war. And as long as that's the case, I'll fight tooth and nail. You think the French will wait for you to comb your pubes?

"The only thing separating us from a ceasefire is false pride.

"The men will starve on the way home, instead of dying with honour on the battlefield.

"My son was killed in this war. Where's his honour?

"We have 72 hours and every minute we waste talking here, another soldier dies.

"A man is born alone, he lives alone, and he dies alone.

"I am a soldier. I was born too late. Half a century without war. What is a soldier without war?

"Riding saddles. They'll always sell. Your future is safe.

"You have to be brave now. You're alive. You have to be grateful for that. For us. For those who didn't make it.

"We'll all die at some point. But not on the home stretch.

"If you die before me, I'll kill you.

"Ludwig's dead, Franz, Albert... What's it to us now? At least they're at peace. We're alive.

"All of this is like a fever. No one actually wants it, but suddenly it's here. We didn't want it, the others didn't want it. And yet, here we are. And yet half the world is here.

"But what do I know? I know nothing. I'm a pair of boots with a rifle.

"Get some sleep. We got lucky.

"Be fair to your enemy, otherwise he will hate this peace.

"Let the minutes record that the armistice will take effect in six hours at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Very good. The war is over.

"Listen. It's so quiet here. I think I've gone deaf. They've signed, Paul. The war's over. It's over. Are you hungry? I'm hungry.

"Go to college, Paul. Or I'll shoot you right here.

"You could've saved yourself the trouble. He's dead. Black blood. Straight into the liver. His organs are poisoned.

"You see? He was just unlucky. So close to the end."

-- From "All Quiet on the Western Front”

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