Thursday, February 09, 2023

Maldives faces Indian traders' threat again?

- Indian traders make a comeback and take over Maldives' economy?: Balan thibbaa control nagai bidheyseen mahujanunnah!

- "VORA" traders and Maldives' economy: VORA viyafaari verin ge faraathun Raajje ge igthisaadhah libunee faidhaa nuvatha gellun heyyey!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Just one company Mohan Mutha Exports (MM exports) has held a near monopoly of all supplies to the government & government linked companies in Maldives for well over 2 decades. To them it doesn’t matter which party is in power. They pay huge bribes to whoever is in power. This company already did hundreds of millions of dollars worth of trading to Maldives & govt & public company officials probably pocketed millions too. It’s a win win for them. Only the people of Maldives are losing
