Friday, June 07, 2024

Riding the unrideable: Nathan Florence’s success says a lot about how we consume surf media

I've been thinking about Nathan Florence a lot lately. The affable, imminently engaging middle Florence brother who, beating all conventional familial odds, has emerged from under the shadow cast by his famous, preternaturally talented and wildly successful older sibling John John. Nathan has built a considerable YouTube following who avidly click on every clip to watch him seek out and ride, or at least attempt to ride, borderline unrideable waves. Waves – or in many cases unruly, ill-defined hydrological anomalies that only approximate what could be considered an actual wave and not a bottomless storm surge. The vast, and I mean vast, majority of the world’s surfers could never even imagine themselves riding these types of ocean lumps. READ MORE from The Inertia

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