Friday, June 28, 2024

How to build a war rig

Design may be one of the industry’s most exacting disciplines. It crosses over with so many other departments, and largely lives in a film’s unspoken themes, but it makes a huge impression either way. That goes double for something as involved as Furiosa, the prequel to one of the most visually stunning films ever made.

What do the Logos of The Matrix, Anakin Skywalker’s speeder in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, and the War Rig in Mad Max: Fury Road have in common? They were all designed by Jacinta Leong, the creator of some of the most iconic vehicles in modern sci-fi cinema. She returns to the Mad Max franchise to lend her expertise to the jaw-dropping designs of Fury Road prequel Furiosa, but there’s a certain degree of irony to the fact that Leong’s name has become synonymous with badass sci-fi cars.

“I am not a gearhead in real life,” the art director tells Inverse with a laugh. “I think I do have an interest in those things. I think I am drawn to some sci-fi and futurism, not only as a designer but as a viewer. But that said, in design, we just do anything.” READ MORE from Inverse

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