Friday, June 14, 2024

Eid message from Gaza's Abod


Translation by mydxbstyle:

‘He spoke the truth who said ‘And we have offered as a sacrifice to Allah, waterfalls of purified blood. So glad tidings to you O people of Gaza, for what you patiently endured and how you stood your ground, garrisoning (your land), when facing the tyrants! People of Gaza ✌🏼‘ .. My dear brothers and sisters! We are back once again, and Abood is here with you! Today I’m going to talk to you about Eid Al Adha, and there’s not many days left until this Eid. The Islamic and Arab World are preparing to offer their sacrifices for Eid. However, the people of Gaza do not just sacrifice during Eid. In the Gaza Strip, we’ve been sacrificing for 250 days now. We’ve sacrificed our souls, our people, our children, our women, our elders, our wealth, our homes and neighborhoods. We sacrifice everything so that the Word of Allah remains the Exalted Word. We sacrifice in the Path of Allah (first) and then we sacrifice in the Path of the Nation (of Palestine). He spoke the truth who said ‘And we have offered as a sacrifice to Allah, waterfalls of purified blood. So glad tidings to you O people of Gaza, for what you patiently endured and how you stood your ground, garrisoning (your land), when facing the tyrants!’ People of Gaza ✌🏼 Allah Willing, the best days are upon us and, Allah Willing, Eid does not dawn upon us without our liberation, O Lord (Make it so). May Allah Relieve us and all of you. Peace be upon you.’

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