Friday, June 21, 2024

CHINA: RSF increasingly concerned as journalist Zhang Zhan is threatened with re-arrest

Calls for the full and unconditional release of Chinese journalist Zhang Zhan have reached a new level of urgency as police have threatened her with possible rearrest if she again crosses certain “red lines.” Remaining under strict surveillance and facing a new wave of pressure more than one month after her release from prison after completing a four-year term, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) urges diplomatic missions to keep Zhang Zhan’s safety and freedom high on the agenda in their relations with Beijing.

More than one month after Zhang Zhan has been officially released from prison, where she served a four-year term in retaliation for her independent reporting on the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, the journalist has still not regained her full freedom, living under strict surveillance by Chinese authorities. Most recently, on 9 June, the Xuanqiao Police Station of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau’s Pudong Branch summoned her and officers threatened that if she crossed certain “red lines” again, she would be “put away.” READ MORE from Reporters Without Borders

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