Friday, June 07, 2024

Anatomy of a genocide: Most Jews today don't believe in Yahweh (God) but...

...they are ready to commit genocide in Palestine on the excuse that this non-existent God had promised Palestine as a "promised land" for His "chosen people" (Jews). The UK colonializing Palestine and then, obviously unlawfully, amounts to nothing more than White Supremacists colonizing a lesser armed people and then giving their land to a people who don't believe in a God. This should render any right-thinking person to perceive these events in the Middle East as downright ridiculous, yet Christian apologists such as the atheist Richard Dawkins defend the existence of the state of Israel, while Hollywood actors such as the "Reform Jew" Michael Douglas claim that it's the US college protestors who are brainwashed to become anti-Semitic. If it wasn't for about 36,000 innocent Palestinians been murdered, I would have considered Israel's genocide as a comedy of errors fit for a Hollywood movie by (the Jewish) Adam Sandler.

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