Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Flat Earthers: Are they living on Earth or another planet?

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In bringing our attention to this video interview, one of my Maldives' friends wrote: "My brain literally tried to vacate my skull through my nostrils as I was watching this".

I replied: "I didn't know whether to cry or laugh. At least if he had referred to Quantum Mechanics and said that the Sun exists in a RELATIVITY sense, that could get him excused for being SOOO ignorant".

Another Maldives' friend responded: "I am even more perplexed as to how a university could award a PhD to anyone on something called 'Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences'. If any such thing exists, why can't there be a 'sun' each for the 8 billion people on the Earth? I reckon both would exist in the realm of the belief of the believer, the way Flying Spaghetti Monster exists in the mind of the Pastafarian".

I replied to him: "I mean, there are people who believe that without their consciousness to make things real, nothing will materialize. There are people who believe the part of pavement they have passed has already disappeared as long as they don't look back. And religion been 'revealed' by a 'higher power' to humans makes sense for believers of faiths and religions".

He replied to me: "Of course. Just like the way the American dollar, the German state, Apple inc., Hanuman and so many millions of other things do".

I replied to him: "Hahaha. Yes, believing makes it so, as Harari says. If you believe FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster) exists, then it does - for you at least. 😕"

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