Sunday, May 14, 2023

Google’s AI isn’t reinventing the way we search, it’s fixing it.

Google does a lot of things nowadays; phones, tablets, email, work, audio, spreadsheets, navigation, whatever the hell this is. But at its core, Google is still, well, Google. It’s the way you search.

After 25 years, the tech giant’s dominance in the arena of search is still unquestionable; it accounts for a gargantuan 92 percent of the search market. I mean, the word itself — Google — is literally synonymous with typing questions into a text box.

But as Google Search’s dominance has grown, and as it has continued to reshape and revolutionize our relationship with the internet, its effectiveness in connecting us with the fastest and best answers to our burning questions... well, I’d bet a whole Pixel Fold that it’d take you more than one Google search to find an answer to that one. READ MORE

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