Monday, April 03, 2023

LETTER TO HILATH: What is there to worry about?

Dear friend,

Is there any need to worry if certain things that we were able to do before can't be done now, because getting old and dying is the natural order of everything in the world? There probably isn't any human or living thing that is alive forever. There probably is nobody who has amassed all the world's knowledge or nobody who is able to apply all the knowledge he acquired to solve the world's problems because the human mind cannot remember or recall all that it learned and experienced in the past.

Getting old might naturally cause a short attention span because it means events and things have repeated so many times in our lives making us more familiar with life which in turn sometimes, brings a certain amount of impatience or annoyance at having to go through them again. To relive or see or know the same things even though under different circumstances, with different people at different times can sometimes create an indifferent attitude, make us completely insensitive to situations or make us give less attention to details. Ignorance sure becomes bliss when one cannot recognize the repetitive patterns of life if it is presented in a diverse manner and the mind perceives it as novel.

If we feel that everything should be explored, understood, should have meaning, should have answers or should not change, we could be frustrated at not being on par with the speed technology is advancing or be depressed with not being able to keep up with all that is happening with the world.

We are supposed to leave at some time and make way for others. So maybe we are not supposed to impose most elements of 'our time' into another completely different time where things will take its very own different course. While we feel we are losing some things, we acquire different abilities instead, and we should try and see that side of evolution instead of focusing on what we think we are losing.

The free Will God gave us enables us a right and evokes a desire to push our minds to its very limits and we can always do so to a certain extent. We will always make plans but if it does not fit God's bigger plan, our plans could be hindered, changed or even destroyed, most probably to our dislike.

Becoming a dinosaur need not be such a dreaded thing as we see archaeologists are still fascinated and intrigued by discovering new types and new information about them all the time. By becoming dinosaurs some still have the chance to become legends of the future because their recognition is destined to emerge in a different time. Even if one doesn't become a legend, one would have played his part in the world and left some sign for others to find at some time in the future because it is not only archaeologists who unearth history. The dreaded feeling of one's glory fading away with time need not be a depressing thing as it could be a transformation of one becoming a mentor to others.

In the end, maybe it is not that important to be understood or remembered by every other human being. Rather, it might be more important to be satisfied with one's limitations and be at peace with oneself and with the diversity of others.

Sincerely yours,

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