Thursday, January 12, 2023

Bleeding Maldives dry?

I Googled "Thulusdhoo" yesterday - because I frequently visit the island as I have relatives and I am trying for another trip which I hope to blog about - and I noticed that ever since the island was opened up for guesthouse tourism, almost all the webpages are "sponsored" or dominated by travel agencies.

There are no immediate webpages dedicated to writing about the island's history, culture, etc., except for a short article by former Minivan News editor Daniel Bosley on his website:

I guess other islands face the same fate. The Internet is convoluted by tour operators who want their share of profits from milking Maldives dry. 

While the travel industry is the saviour of Maldives, unchecked tourism can result in the country's undoing.

In making money, it is important to consider whether we are doing it to earn a living or to become rich. This is the difference between been selfish and selfless.


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Where to draw the line between survival and wealthy?

    1. One way could be to make money enough to make one feel safe, secure, and content in surviving.

    2. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Depends on what and how much make a person happy. Is President Yameen happy with 1 million dollars? Is President Solih happy with 35 million rufiya? It's a subjective matter, isn't it?

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Finally you're seeing the reality

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Too bad we realize things after its too late
