Friday, May 26, 2023

Airport manager assaults utility company manager during MDP event in Gahdhoo

Google translation:

On 19 May 2023, an altercation occurred between the airport manager and the manager of the power plant in Gahdhoo island of Gaaf Dhaal atoll during activities involving preparations for the presidential election organized by the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

In a Maldivian native Dhivehi language report by local media outlet Dhiyares the incident took place at a barbecue event held by MDP activists following their activities in the community. The dispute arose because the power plant had not supplied electricity to a street light in the barbecue area.

According to a resident of the island, the street light had only been temporarily used during Ramadan and was not permanently installed due to incomplete road construction. However, the light was occasionally turned on when different agencies held events in the area.

On the night of the barbecue, the utilities company Fenaka’s manager sent an employee to light the street light, but before they could do so, someone else had already turned them on. This led to an argument between the Fenaka manager and the airport manager, resulting in the latter physically attacking the former.

The incident has been reported to the island’s police station, and the Fenaka manager was taken to the hospital for treatment. Allegations have been made that the incident was covered up through the involvement of Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer, who happened to be present in Gahdhoo at the time.

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